Here is a list of all struct and union fields with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- a -
- aac
: spa_audio_info
- acquire_rt
: spa_thread_utils_methods
- activate
: spa_audio_aec_methods
- active_changed
: pw_impl_node_events
- add_buffer
: pw_filter_events
, pw_stream_events
- add_event
: spa_loop_utils_methods
- add_hook
: spa_loop_control_methods
- add_idle
: spa_loop_utils_methods
- add_io
: spa_loop_utils_methods
- add_listener
: pw_client_endpoint_methods
, pw_client_methods
, pw_client_node_methods
, pw_client_session_methods
, pw_core_methods
, pw_device_methods
, pw_endpoint_link_methods
, pw_endpoint_methods
, pw_endpoint_stream_methods
, pw_factory_methods
, pw_link_methods
, pw_metadata_methods
, pw_module_methods
, pw_node_methods
, pw_port_methods
, pw_profiler_methods
, pw_registry_methods
, pw_session_methods
, spa_audio_aec_methods
, spa_dbus_connection
, spa_device_methods
, spa_node_methods
- add_mem
: pw_core_events
- add_port
: pw_client_node_events
, spa_node_methods
- add_proxy_fd
: pw_protocol_native_ext
- add_resource_fd
: pw_protocol_native_ext
- add_server
: pw_protocol_implementation
- add_signal
: spa_loop_utils_methods
- add_source
: spa_loop_methods
- add_timer
: spa_loop_utils_methods
- added
: pw_mempool_events
- after
: spa_loop_control_hooks
- alac
: spa_audio_info
- alignment
: spa_video_info_h264
- alloc
: pw_array
- amr
: spa_audio_info
- ape
: spa_audio_info
- args
: pw_module_info
- avail_buffers
: pw_time